My Amazing Son

May 25th, 2018 Death, Grief, Kids Grief Staci Maher Ball

I know he hates not having a Dad. I know that he wonders why God took his Dad away. I know he wonders why this happened to him. I know that he would give up everything, including his pitching arm, to have his Dad back. But he does not cry, at least not in front of me. He does not get angry about it. He does not act out because of it. He does not get in a significant amount of trouble. He does not lie in his room and sulk. He’s f’ing amazing.

Waiting For It

Sep 18th, 2017 Grief, Kids Grief, Loss, Solo Parenting Staci Maher Ball

Grief has never really left our home but it has a much quieter presence than it did a few years ago. It is no longer nearly destroying our lives on a daily basis. But I know it will most likely rise up again and there is nothing I can do to prevent it. I live everyday knowing my sons’ grief will come back. And I will continue to scour them for signs that it’s here. Like many other widows and widowers with kids, I’m just waiting for it. Waiting for the grief to return. #widowwithkids #childrensgrief #kidsgrief #keeprunning #runningthroughgrief