Clone Me

Jun 26th, 2017 Death, Grief, Kids Grief, Running, Solo Parenting, Uncategorized Staci Maher Ball

Sometimes running helps turn my mood around. It allows me to shed my anger on the road like a snake sheds its skin. After those runs I can let go of whatever is bothering me, my body relaxes, and I feel literally lighter. But not today. I was even angrier after I got off that treadmill. Sometimes running through grief just does not work. Those days are some of my toughest days. #solomom #soloparenting #widowwithkids #competitive soccer #angrygrief #baseball #parenting

The Art of Solo Parenting

May 14th, 2017 Death, Grief, Running, Solo Parenting Staci Maher Ball

Solo parenting is not what most would choose. I was terrified about solo parenting when I was widowed five years ago and I was right to be terrified. It’s exhausting, it’s frustrating, it’s frazzling, and it’s scary. Surviving solo parenting takes extreme energy, discipline, perseverance; balance and careful arrangement on a daily basis. #soloparenting, #running, #grief, #parenting, #widowswithkids